• Guest Information

    If you are attending an event at Glenhaven, you might want to know or consider the following

    The Venue

    The Venue

    Glenhaven Events, 1595 220th Street East, Farmington, MN, 55024, is located on Highway 50 between Farmington and Hampton, MN.
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    Keep An Eye For The Road Sign!

    Keep An Eye For The Road Sign!

    The corn fields around us can obscure the view from the road. As you get closer, keep an eye for the monument sign, and signal early, as everyone is driving fast on this road.
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    Nearby Hotels

    Nearby Hotels

    Your event host might have placed a room block at a nearby hotel. If not, we recommend the Lakeville Hotels (Holiday Inn, Hampton Inn, and Candlewood Suites), and Apple Valley Hotels (Americinn and Grandstay). There are also hotels in Northfield and Hastings... As you will be returning to the hotel after the reception, it is best to pick a hotel closer to the venue than closer to the airport, as, at night, after a lot of dancing and no drinking whatsoever, you will want the least amount of driving possible. BTW, you are welcome to leave your cars overnight and just get a ride. Be safe!
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    RSVPs: Responding or Changing Status

    RSVPs: Responding or Changing Status

    Pleas contact your event host: we do not track or communicate RSVPs
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    Bringing Children?

    Bringing Children?

    If the invitation named you, such as Jack and Jill Smith, that means they do not want children to attend. However, if the invitation was more broad, such as "The Smiths", then it's OK to bring your kids. Still, if your kids get fussy or disruptive during the ceremony or speeches, consider taking them away for 10 minutes so you do not ruin the magic of the moment. If your kids are ring bearers, please do not let them bear rings as they might lose them in the grass. During the reception, please keep your kids close or they could get hurt: hot food, cars, strangers, etc. If you do not want to worry about your kids, get a sitter and enjoy the party like you used to :)
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    We do not have any requirements for your attire, and your host might not specify this either. Still, consider dressing up as if you were going to a very important meeting. Business casual, nice.
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    Your Table

    Your Table

    As you come in the lobby, check out table assignments. While not all event hosts choose to do this, most will have a seating chart.
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    Cards and Gifts

    Cards and Gifts

    As you enter the ballroom, the cards and gifts table will be to your left.

    How much to give? Obviously they want to see you more than your money, but still, weddings are expensive.
    The couple is probably spending $125 - $200 per person for their reception, so, if you can, consider covering your own cost so the couple does not start their new life in a hole.
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    Outdoor Ceremonies & Shoes!

    Outdoor Ceremonies & Shoes!

    Most ceremonies are held in the wedding garden. Consider what shoes are best for grass. Also, consider if you can bear to wear heels for 8 hours or so, and maybe bring a different pair for later.
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    Questions About An Event?

    Questions About An Event?

    In order to protect our customers' privacy, we do not answer any questions about any event to guests: who is attending, what is for dinner, what time is the ceremony or dinner. Please direct all such questions to your event host. Only they can decide if this is information to be shared.
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    Dinner & Schedule

    Dinner & Schedule

    While we do not disclose information to guests ahead of time (only your host can do that), we have a display inside the venue which you can check upon arrival. It looks like this.
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    We do not cook with fish, shellfish, or nuts (other than Joe, one of the chefs, who is a bit nutty, but even he does not add nuts to anything we cook.
    For Gluten Free meals, please ask your event host, not us, to request a GF / dairy free / vegan meal for you.
    We do not make desserts and social hour snacks. While we ask each event host not to bring in anything that contains nuts, only they will know what they purchased. Please ask them whether snacks and desserts contain allergens. Finally, if you have a deadly allergy, please inform your event host (not us) that you will bring your own meal.
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    Wheelchair Access?

    Wheelchair Access?

    The venue is fully accessible with ramps, accessible restrooms, and an elevator for the lower level.
    The garden is a grassy area, it is as accessible as Mother Nature can make a flat lawn.
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    Balloons & Decorations

    Balloons & Decorations

    Decorations that leave marks, that can cause damage, or can get stuck are not allowed: balloons of any kind, tape, command strips, screws, smoke bombs, confetti, stickers, and actual candles.
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    Strictly No Outside Alcohol or Pot

    Strictly No Outside Alcohol or Pot

    Please do not bring any outside alcohol or marijuana products. Any such products will be confiscated and not returned. Tailgaters will be towed without notice. Yes: we've seen it all.
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    Most events have unlimited soda and coffee.
    Some will host (prepay) some alcoholic beverages, and some will have a cash bar.
    Anything not hosted is available for sale.
    It is a full bar with several taps, wine, hard selzers, and liquors.
    We accept cash and cards.
    Alcohol service laws are observed.
    Prices subject to change.
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    Ladies, after a couple of hours in heels you will be in pain. Dancing 4 - 5 hours in heels will be torture. Consider bringing a second pair of shoes or you will end up barefoot... which is fine by us, but do you really want to?
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    Think you lost something?

    Think you lost something?

    Please understand: we work very long hours, like 6am to 2am.
    If you call during another event, or on Sunday, after we just did a 16 hour Friday and a 16 hour Saturday, we won't answer the phone right away, or at all.
    We will get back to you when we can, probably Tuesday (Monday is our day off).
    The best way to inquire is to email us, and state all this information: VENUE, DATE, OBJECT DESCRIPTION (we have multiple locations): contact@fabweddingsmn.com
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    Overnight Parking OK

    Overnight Parking OK

    If you are not 100% able to drive home safely, please leave your car at the venue overnight, until you are able to come for it. Do not leave valuables in the car. We will not watch your car, but we will not tow it away either. Please be safe: we'd love to enjoy the look of your smile for many years to come!
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    Why? Oh, why?

    Why? Oh, why?

    Every event detail is discussed at length during event planning with the event host: time for ceremony, dinner, bar open, dance times, menu, linens, seating arrangement, announcements, closing time, etc. If you feel things should have been done differently to be better, it is possible, however the event host is the person who makes the ultimate decisions on all these details, with our help, of course.
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